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Getting you and your project/dream/plan/ambition Moving

Why, Who? I've worked with people probably quite like you on changing jobs, starting a new business, time management, relationships and maintaining focus on goals. If you have an idea, a desire, a problem you want to solve, talking about it to someone else in a structured way can help you make the start you want, or focus on the outcome you want to achieve.

It doesn't matter who you are, everyone has great ideas at different points in their lives and differing abilities to see them through. If you have thought it worth seeking coaching, it's something important enough for us to work on. No other judgement than that.

I a member of the Institute of Leadership and have certificates in Coaching (IoL) and Counselling (from CPCAB, WPF and the "TA101")

Coaching? Counselling? Mentoring?

Coaching doesn't usually deal with emotional difficulties and mental ill-health, although I am happy to do some work in those areas to help build mental resilience. It is also not about knowledge/skills transfer or other job-based training.

Counselling - Very much based around working with emotional difficulties and mental ill-health. Might work on getting started/motivational issues if liked to other factors such as low self-esteem. Probably wouldn't deal so directly with practical issues/problem solving and performance improvement.

Mentoring - Mentoring is typically encountered in the workplace where it is intended to help improve personal performance and share knowledge/experience in a particular domain or role. Would be carried out by someone with greater experience in that specific subject area acting more as an 'authority figure' than you should get in coaching.



[outcome] ...clear plan of the important issues that need to be addressed moving forward with my business concept

[experience] ...a good listener who wasn’t satisfied with vague answers and wanted measurable steps

How Much, When?

Sign up below for a free Introductory Chat or book a full Session

If you can’t make a session please try and give at least 24 hours notice, or as soon as possible if you are ill or realise you’re running late.

Email graham@hippo.coach for anything you can't do/find out with the buttons below, including additional availability - I will try and make time if you need it and the standard times don't work for you.

Everything we work on will be confidential - I will not share any information with anyone else unless legally or ethically required to do so. If I think you’d benefit more from counselling, mentoring or something else that isn’t coaching, I’ll discuss it with you.

Before the first session we can, if you like, have a brief introductory chat by phone or online to make sure we’re both happy to work together, agree the topic(s) you want to work on and practical issues (where, when, how). After that, if you don’t feel like coaching is for you right now that’s fine. I’m not going to keep chasing, although if you have a problem with avoidance (which may be why you needed coaching) we can talk about that too.

Book Here


My Work


The purpose of coaching is to work with concentration on a specific, typically practical issue or as a means to help with problem solving - not providing the solution but helping you arrive at your own. What we work on doesn’t have to be work related, it can be an area of your personal life you want to tackle. You can light joss sticks or sip a herbal tea, align your chakras, or wear tie dye if you like. I'm not really in to any of that but I will bring frameworks and tools which have been shown to be effective. Exactly what we do will be tailored to you.

Is This Life Coaching?

Well, I don't coach dead people. There's no one strict definition for life coaching, it's all working and helping you with your life to help you get what you want out of it. Will you get to live your best life? No promises but we should get you heading in the right direction.

Say Hello.

See Online Booking Page